Snapshots lesson 3: Test mobx-state-tree Models by Recording Snapshots or Patches lesson 16: Automatically Send Changes to the Server by Using onSnapshot
Snapshots are the immutable serialization, in plain objects, of a tree at a specific point in time.
Snapshots can be inspected through getSnapshot(node, applyPostProcess)
Snapshots don't contain any type information and are stripped from all actions, etc., so they are perfectly suitable for transportation.
Requesting a snapshot is cheap as MST always maintains a snapshot of each node in the background and uses structural sharing.
coffeeTodo.setTitle("Tea instead plz")
// prints `{ title: "Tea instead plz" }`
Some interesting properties of snapshots:
- Snapshots are immutable
- Snapshots can be transported
- Snapshots can be used to update models or restore them to a particular state
- Snapshots are automatically converted to models when needed. So, the two following statements are equivalent:
store.todos.push(Todo.create({ title: "test" }))
andstore.todos.push({ title: "test" })
Useful methods:
getSnapshot(model, applyPostProcess)
: returns a snapshot representing the current state of the modelonSnapshot(model, callback)
: creates a listener that fires whenever a new snapshot is available (but only one per MobX transaction).applySnapshot(model, snapshot)
: updates the state of the model and all its descendants to the state represented by the snapshot
also supports customizing snapshots when they are generated or when they are applied with types.snapshotProcessor